Meadow Brook Game Farm

Baits vs. Lures: Which Is Best?

For generations, fishing enthusiasts from around the globe have debated on which is best: bait or lures? It’s a question worth asking, but the fact remains that each option has its own pros and cons and in the end, there’s a lot to be said about personal preference. If you are still on the fence, take a look at both sides of the lures versus bait debate.

Live BaitThe Benefits of Bait

Obviously, we would not be having this argument if neither option had its advantages, so let’s begin with the benefits of bait. Bait is very effective at fooling fish into believing that there isn’t a trap, says It also is very cost effective, especially if you catch bait fish or pick worms yourself. Perhaps best of all, the fish usually do the heavy lifting with bait fishing as they hook themselves when they bite or swallow the bait trap, meaning there is less guesswork involved when you think you feel a tug on your line.

Disadvantages of Bait

Bait needs to be kept fresh if you hope to fool fish with it so extra work is required to hold it in this fresh state. Even if your bait stays chilled, it often smells, and a day of fishing will mean getting the smell of bait handling all over you. Bait also is like a buffet, which means small and large fish will both show up to take a bite from your hook. Finally, if you plan on catch and release fishing, hooks can often end up deep as the fish mistakes your bait for an actual snack. This swallowed deep hook can do a lot of damage which may make a safe release impossible.

Benefits of Lures

While some people live and die by bait, there are just as many who prefer lures. As far as advantages, the main one is that they can get you more involved in the action. Bait typically is a passive fishing technique – throw and wait. Artificial lures, on the other hand, have little tricks that they perform, including vibrations and noises that attract the fish. Lures can also be cleaned and used over and over again, which means if you’re buying bait every time you fish, you can save money and get more bang for your buck by investing in good lures. Finally, lures are more adaptable, meaning you can get a bit more targeted with the type and even size of fish you’re looking to draw by selecting the right lure.

Disadvantages of Lures

While you can get your money’s worth out of an artificial lure, you can also find yourself emptying your wallet for some very expensive lure options. Also, some of the more intelligent smarter fish can detect the fakeness of many lures which could mean that your dream fish might not go for it. Lures also have a habit of getting caught on rocks, trees or weeds, so caution is necessary. Cutting off a caught bait hook is pennies lost, while a stuck lure can mean several dollars or more claimed by the water.

The Debate Rages On

As you can see, there are many advantages and disadvantages of using either approach, but the important thing is that you find a place to fish where you can rely on catching exactly what you are after. You’ll find just that at Meadow Brook Game Farm. Our 10-acre lake provides excellent fishing possibilities, and is stocked all throughout the fishing reason with fresh channel catfish. Crappy, bass, bluegill and more also call the lake home, so there are plenty of options for anglers to find when fishing at our lake.

Learn more about our fishing options or plan your trip today by giving us a call at 615-888-2411.

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