
The cost is $225.00 per hunter. The minimum hunt is $675.00,($225.00 per limit) 1 to 3 hunters (week days) and $900 for Saturdays, 1 to 4 hunters. One limit of pheasants is 4, one limit of chukar is 6, one limit of quail is 8. You would get any combination of these birds, or all of one kind. These are minimum limits, there is no maximum limit. You can shoot as many as you want to pay for. Each pheasant over the min. limit would cost $40.00, each chukar is $26.00, and each quail $16.00.

 Sales tax 9.25%
3% charge for credit card

What we need to know to plan your hunt

Name, date, and time, AM , PM
Phone number
Number of hunters
What kind of birds you want to hunt?
Do you want to shoot over your min. limits? If so approx. how much over?
Do you want us to clean your birds?
Hunters must be 12 years old and every hunter under 18 must have had a hunter safety course
Is walking a problem for any of your group or are there any special conditions?
What is the level of hunting experience for your group?

**We do not recommend quail for inexperienced hunters and reserve the right to switch the kind of birds you are hunting. Pheasants are by far the best birds for inexperienced hunters.**

** We do guarantee all hunts and reserve the right to switch the kind of birds you wish to hunt if you are missing too many birds. **

Ask about our discount program.

What we recommend for your hunt

Everyone wear an orange cap, vest and safety glasses
Be familiar with your gun, know where the safety is and how it works
Shoot some clay targets or at least some still targets, before you come to hunt
Special notes regarding hunting with Meadow Brook

We furnish the dogs, guide, plenty of birds and guarantee the hunt.
We are a member of the BBB.
We have been in business for over 60 years
Meadow Brook Game Farm – Our Guarantee

Guns: 12, 16, or 20 gauge – semi-automatics, pumps, or double barrels,– no single shots or guns with hammers.

Choke in barrel must be improved cylinder or open, choke, modified is acceptable for pheasant only.

Shot size: lead shot: pheasant and chukar 6 or heavy load 7 1/2,– quail light load 7 1/2 or 8 shot, shell length 2 3/4 inch lead shot, no steel shot.

Hunters must follow guide’s instruction. Guide will get you in position to get a good shot if you follow these instructions we will guarantee the hunt. You will only pay for the birds you shoot. Enjoy the Great Outdoors! You can contact Meadow Brook Game Farm by calling Richard Denning at 615-888-2411 for reservations or 615-633-7532 to reach his cell and for information.

NOTE: If you shoot a dog you will be responsible for the Vet bill and/or replacement of dog. This is very expensive so BE CAREFUL!

Ask about our discount program.