Dove Season is Starting Soon: Tips to Prepare

Dove Hunting

Dove season is just around the corner, so to help you get ready, here are some tips from Outdoor Life to make you more successful at bagging more doves this season.

Consistent Motion

No matter what you’re hunting, you always want your shotgun muzzle in motion before, during and after your shot. Be sure to keep your muzzle moving because if you stop for any reason, you are likely to end up shooting behind the bird, meaning your shot is going to miss.

Practice Mounting

When you raise your gun, you want it to come to your shoulder and cheek, not the other way around. So before you head out, try bringing your shotgun up and being comfortable with the motion to ensure that you always get into position quickly.

Get Your Movements Down

This may seem silly, but body position and movement are hugely important for hunting success. When hunting, keep your upper body and gun should be in a ready position, and adjusting your shot should rely on rotating your hips left or right or flexing or extending your back up and down.

Squeeze Hard

If you’re going to shoot, then shoot. Pull the trigger hard and confidently when you have a dove in your sights. By hesitating, not pulling on the trigger hard enough or even flinching, you run the risk of your shot being pulled to early or too late, leading to a loud bang and no doves.


Practice makes perfect, especially with dove hunting. All of these tips we’ve mentioned are very helpful but working on them one or two times isn’t enough. Be sure to practice these skills regularly to get ready for dove season. That way when you head out on the hunt, all of this becomes second nature and you can have the best season ever!

Dove season starts here at Meadow Brook Game Farm in September, so now’s the time to get yourself ready for the hunt. Looking for even more game birds? Our 1200-acre shooting preserve offers quail, pheasant and dove hunts, too – all with no license required! For more information, call us today at 615-888-2411!

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