So you’d like to increase your odds for a huge pheasant hunting day? Nice!
Man’s Best Friend
One thing you can do to increase those odds is to hunt with a dog. Ideally, you want a conditioned dog who can handle heavy brush, tumbleweed, corn, milo and sorghum fields. Dogs can pick up the scent of pheasant… you want a bird dog to lead you in the right direction!
Mental Toughness
Mental fortitude can help you as a hunter. Don’t be the kind of hunter who halfheartedly tries– be the kind who wholeheartedly tries to find and shoot pheasant and doesn’t give up quickly or easily. Having mental stamina helps you get through hours of a hunt, some of which have no exciting moments. Patience and endurance are good because even though sometimes you have an hour or two with no action, a whole bunch of pheasant could be just around a corner a couple moments later and then it’s game on.
Be a Good Scout
How good are you at identifying where pheasants live and/or spend their time? Think like them. What do they eat? Where would they find their food source? If you’re seeing grasshoppers around, that’s good because pheasants love eating those. Of course they have to drink water to live, so they’re likely going to be around bodies of water such as ponds or streams. Check around field edges, deep ditches, and especially tree rows– where pheasants find shelter from winds and rough weather.
If you want to find pheasants, Meadow Brook Game Farm is a great place to hunt in Tennessee. With over 1200 acres and no bag limit, Meadow Brook Game Farm is a destination for game bird hunting, featuring hunting groups of 2 to 20+. Hunting parties are provided with guides and dogs, so you’ll have great help finding pheasants.
Bird hunting season runs Nov. 1 thru March 30th, and hunts take place six days a week, Mondays thru Saturdays. Want to get in on the action? Call Meadow Brook Game Farm in Westmoreland, TN, at 615-888-2411 or email info@meadowbrookgamefarm.com.
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