Tips for Hunting Pheasant in the Winter

Pheasant hunters with dogs hunting in winter
Pheasant hunters with dogs hunting in winter

Meadow Brook Game Farm in Tennessee offers morning hunts and afternoon hunts of pheasant and other birds from November through mid-March. Hunts take place six days a week, Mondays through Saturdays, and are guided, with dogs and plenty of game. Pheasants, chukar and/or quail are hunted and there’s no max limit– you can shoot as many birds as you want to pay for. 

Keep These Things in Mind When Hunting Pheasant During the Winter Months

Now that you know the basics about Meadow Brook Game Farm, what are some winter tips for hunting pheasant? When the weather gets colder and there could be snow or ice on the ground, that can actually help you track birds– look for their tracks. Maybe they’re sneakily hiding among cattails– nature’s semi-impenetrable “fence.” And you’ve got to go into their “hiding place” to get ‘em. They like to bunch up in heavy cover in the winter. 

Winter hunting involves embracing the cold weather and doing your best to be as quiet as possible. Avoid “banging” noises and keep dogs under control so they’re not barking or howling. Calm and quiet are the keywords of hunting pheasant in the winter– be those and you should do well. 

Since it will probably be colder than you like, make sure you’re wearing warm clothing that’s both waterproof and windproof. Dress in layers– wool is a good option. You may be walking in wet areas so good boots are a must. In fact, look for pheasants in wetlands such as grass, willows, and cattails. 

You can use the wind to your advantage– pheasants don’t like wind, so they’ll seek out low-lying areas to avoid it. Therefore, you might find them among evergreen tree lines, ditches, sloughs or weedy fence rows. In the wintertime, pheasants want a warm and protected place to hang out that protects them from wind, water and the weather in general. Look for seams or creases in the land separating their food source from cover. Where would birds want to “make their escape?” That’s where you might find them.

Do you want to schedule your winter pheasant hunt? Call Meadow Brook Game Farm at 615-888-2411

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