Half the battle in hunting is knowing where the animals you seek will be, and taking advantage when opportunity presents itself.
As such, if you’re planning on pheasant hunting, it’s important to know their routines. Let’s take a look at what a typical day is for pheasants.
Wake Up Call
Pheasants, like many mammals, are creatures of habit. Typically, pheasants wake up early, about at the crack of dawn. Often, they sleep in tall grass or weeds where they can safely hide. Once awake, they go find pieces of grit and gravel to help them digest the food they’ll seek throughout the remainder of the day.
What Should Hunters Do
You’ll want to find areas that would be ideal for pheasants to sleep in – areas with high grass or weeds, and also know where the closet gravel source is, as you may be able to catch them as they move.
An Overview of the Rest of the Morning
After their version of a morning coffee (grit), pheasants head to food sources, such as corn and wheat fields. To stay with our coffee example, their grit gives them a pep in their step while stimulating appetites, and most of the morning is spent in agriculture sites looking for food.
What Should Hunters Do
If you’re with a group, head to different food sources and wait for hungry birds!
Post-Lunch and the Living is Easy
After enjoying their first meal, pheasants tend to lay low and “chill.” Just as when they pack it in for the night, they search for cover in the form of tall, grassy areas and hang out until they’re hungry again.
What Should Hunters Do
To find them undercover, head towards the wind, and use your hunting dog to help guide you to a score!
Dinner Time
Before heading home to the roost for the night, pheasants, like humans need one more meal. Once again, you should look to agriculture feeding sites and post up there for chances to hunt pheasant.
And most of all enjoy it—pheasant hunting and the chase is always fun!
If you’re interested in taking a hunting trip in Tennessee, contact Meadow Brook Game Farm for more information.
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