Category: Bird Hunting

Advice for Novice Bird Hunters

Bird Hunter in woods

It might sound funny, but, “Can you think like a bird?” If you can, that can be helpful if you’re a bird hunter. After all, if you can think like a bird, then you, as a hunter, will probably have a better idea of where birds go, what they do during the day, what attracts… Read more »

Pheasant Hunting Etiquette

Back of going hunter with killed pheasant in hunter’s hand

Meadow Brook Game Farm is a large shooting preserve in Tennessee known since the 1950s as a great place to hunt pheasants. If you’ve never hunted pheasants before, you might not know about pheasant hunting etiquette. That said, there are some things to learn before you’re hunting these beautiful creatures.  Group Etiquette If you’re going… Read more »

Guided Pheasant Hunting Trips Create Lifetime Memories

Hunters posing with pheasants

Do you know any young people who spend way too much time on devices? Or maybe you’re someone who seems to always end up scrolling Facebook? Well, there’s something else you could be doing with your time– and their time– and that’s going on a guided pheasant hunting trip at Meadow Brook Game Farm. Guided… Read more »

Are Pheasants and Quail the Same?

Two pheasants standing on a branch

Most people know a little bit about birds but don’t know “too much” about them. That said, hunters often learn more about different birds specifically because they’re interested in hunting them. So it makes sense to know key differences between one’s prey, right? Plus, the more you know about certain birds and animals, the better… Read more »

Pheasant Cleaning and Preparation Tips from Your Favorite Hunting Preserve

Dog with pheasant in mouth

Nestled in the rolling hills of Tennessee, an hour north of Nashville, lies our renowned 1,200-acre shooting preserve. With an esteemed heritage dating back to the 1950s, we’ve had the honor of hosting hunting aficionados from all corners of the United States and from all walks of life. Our acres teem with pheasant, quail, and… Read more »

Planning a Group Outing to Meadow Brook Game Farm

Pheasant Hunters posing with trophies in Westmoreland, TN

Hunting can be a solitary pursuit, but it’s often more fun and interesting when done with a group. That said, who would you bring with you on a group outing to Meadow Brook Game Farm in Westmoreland, TN? Hunting in Westmoreland, TN Depending on how far away you live from Westmoreland, TN, you’d want to… Read more »

Pheasants And Quail Are Not One in the Same

Two pheasants near each other in field

Aren’t pheasant and quail the same thing? A lot of people assume that to be true, but it isn’t. They are birds that differ in size, color, lifespan, diet, habitat, species and temperament. Differences If you were looking at both pheasants and quails, you’d see that quails are usually the smaller of the two. Meanwhile,… Read more »

What Kind of Gun is Best for Bird Hunting?

Hunters posing with pheasants

People come from near and far to Meadow Brook Game Farm in Westmoreland, TN, to hunt birds like pheasant and quail. What kind of gun is best for bird hunting? Shotguns Consider using a shotgun to hunt birds. Shotguns fire numerous small pellets (or shots) at once, released from the shotgun in an expanding cloud… Read more »

Sides to Serve With Fresh Quail

marinated quail on the grill

In Westmoreland, Tennessee, hunters hunt quail at Meadow Brook Game Farm. Now you’re not likely going to find quail on the menu at McDonald’s or Panera Bread, but know this: it’s got a taste similar to chicken and it is often served in finer restaurants. For those who like to hunt and eat quail, a… Read more »

Why Pheasants Are the Most Popular Upland Bird to Hunt

Two pheasants standing on a branch

What’s the most popular upland bird to hunt? If you guessed pheasant, you’re right! Hundreds of thousands of hunters go after pheasants in the fields, especially during the colder months of the year. Pheasants Came to America in the 1880s Pheasants came to America by way of a man named Owen Denny who brought some… Read more »

How Long Have Pheasants Been In America For?

Pheasant roaming on grass

Most people assume pheasants have been in America for centuries, but the truth is they were first introduced in the late 1700s and didn’t really begin to propagate until the early 1800s. Originally, settlers from England brought pheasants with them to New York and New Jersey, though those “early birds” weren’t strong enough to survive…. Read more »

The History of Westmoreland, TN

Pheasant Hunters posing with trophies in Westmoreland, TN

Meadow Brook Game Farm is located in Westmoreland, Tennessee. With a population of just over 2,000 people, Westmoreland was first settled in the early 1800s by pioneers looking for new plots of land where they could settle and build a life. Between 1805 and 1820, Westmoreland grew thanks to the establishment of the railroad and… Read more »