Category: Bird Hunting

Identifying Pheasants, Quail & More

Pheasant In Grass

When hunting for pheasants, quail, and other game birds, you can dramatically increase your chances for a successful hunt by knowing key characteristics of each bird. Being able to identify game birds by their color, plumage and other features will allow you to react quickly and ensure you’re hunting your desired target. Pheasants have a… Read more »

An Overview of Quail Hunting

A dog gives a dead quail to a hunter

If you’re a hunter and you want to hunt quail, you need to come to Meadow Brook Game Farm in rural Westmoreland, Tennessee, which is west of Knoxville and north of Nashville. You can call 615-888-2411 for details! Fun Quail Facts How much do you know about quail? Did you know, for example, that quail… Read more »

A Few New Year’s Resolutions for Pheasant Hunters

Pheasant Hunting

As we ring in the new year of 2021, we can all hope for better days ahead. Why not plan a pheasant hunt at Meadow Brook Game Farm for something to look forward to in the new year? With that in mind, what are some new year’s resolutions for pheasant hunters? Introduce a Youngster to… Read more »

Try Bird Hunting Instead of Deer Hunting This Season

Bird Game Hunting

At Meadow Brook Game Farm in Westmoreland, Tennessee, just north of Nashville, you can try your hand at bird hunting and see if you get a quail or pheasant. Now why hunt birds rather than, say, deer? More Excitement Well, if you’ve ever spent a whole day sitting in a blind waiting to shoot a… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Pheasant

A Day in the Life of Pheasants

Half the battle in hunting is knowing where the animals you seek will be, and taking advantage when opportunity presents itself. As such, if you’re planning on pheasant hunting, it’s important to know their routines. Let’s take a look at what a typical day is for pheasants. Wake Up Call Pheasants, like many mammals, are… Read more »

How to Become a Better Bird Game Hunter

Bird Game Hunting

Do you want to improve your sharpshooting skills and become a better game bird hunter in the process? The key is to practice, practice, and then practice some more. The best game bird hunters spend a lot of time shooting their shotguns while practicing under actual hunting conditions. There are some other ways to improve… Read more »

Why We Love to Hunt


Not everyone loves to hunt. However, those who do really love it. Have you ever wondered why that it is? There are actually many different reasons for it. Let’s take a closer look at three of the biggest one to see why hunters are so in love with what they do. It allows hunters to… Read more »

Getting Ready for Bird Hunting

Bird Hunting

Autumn means different things to different people. Cooling temperatures and changing foliage are welcome things for many, but for hunters, the arrival of fall means it is time to prepare for bird hunting. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your hunting trips this year. Bird Identification Bird hunting is challenging for… Read more »

Chukar: From Import to Important Game Bird

Chukar Partridge

Chukar is not native to the continental U.S., but has still become a popular and important game bird. Since their introduction here in the late 19th century, chukar have established sizable populations in at least 10 Western states. In recent decades, chukar partridges have become one of the most popular upland game birds for hunters…. Read more »

Bird Dogs: How Canine Companions Help to Hunt

Dog with pheasant in mouth

Hunters have been relying on dogs to assist with locating and retrieving game for thousands of years. While the use of dogs in some hunting specialties has declined in popularity, hunting with bird dogs remains a popular pastime. In fact, when it comes to bird hunting – whether wetland or upland – good dogs can… Read more »

Improving Your Accuracy: Four Tips for a More Successful Hunt

Shotgun Shooting

When hunting any type of bird, accuracy is key. After all, it can be the difference between going home empty handed or bringing home your next trophy. Here are a few tips to help improve your accuracy for your next bird hunt. Practice Makes Perfect Before hunting season begins, try and work on your accuracy… Read more »

Happy 2017!: Hunting Resolutions for the New Year

New Year's Resolutions for Hunters

A new year brings new year’s resolutions for many of us. If your goal in 2017 is to become a better bird hunter, we have some resolutions you might just want to try. Shake Off Bad Shots Not every shot it going to be a good one. Throughout the year, you’re going to miss or… Read more »