As we ring in the new year of 2021, we can all hope for better days ahead. Why not plan a pheasant hunt at Meadow Brook Game Farm for something to look forward to in the new year?
With that in mind, what are some new year’s resolutions for pheasant hunters?
Introduce a Youngster to the Joy of Hunting
First, this is the year to take a kid on a pheasant hunt. Why not share the experience with a youngster and give them their first exposure to hunting life? Pheasant birds are fun to hunt, and kids love them. Meanwhile, it’s a chance to bond with a kid in your life who has spent too much time on a device, staring at a screen. People– especially the young– need to get off their screens and start getting into nature!
Make More Time for the Outdoors
Next, this is the year to vow to spend more time outdoors yourself. Too many people spend too much time indoors, staring at screens, wasting their days and nights away trolling Facebook and Twitter. They should be walking, running, shooting and more– outdoors in the fresh air, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of nature. So why not come up with a plan to spend at least six waking hours outdoors per week in 2021?
Work to Improve Your Shot
Thirdly, this is the year you’re going to shoot better. If you’re a novice, you’re going to move up in the ranks. If you’re average, you’re going to become an expert. It’s time to grow as a hunter, and this year you can work with someone more experienced than you to teach you new techniques. Ask for advice. Practice more. Spend more time practicing as well as actually hunting, so your shots will improve overall.
Bird Hunting is Fun for All Hunters!
Finally, this is the year to get out of your rut or comfort zone. If you’ve already done one thing, then it’s time to do another– a new thing. Case in point: you’ve been hunting the same animals or birds year after year in the same spots. Well, in 2021, now it’s time to go after something different, somewhere else. Why not plan your pheasant hunt at Meadow Brook Game Farm in Tennessee? Call 615-888-2411 for more info or email info@meadowbrookgamefarm.com.
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