Most people know a little bit about birds but don’t know “too much” about them. That said, hunters often learn more about different birds specifically because they’re interested in hunting them. So it makes sense to know key differences between one’s prey, right? Plus, the more you know about certain birds and animals, the better hunter you can be. Information is power.
If you were hunting on the land would you know the difference between pheasant and quail? Hopefully after reading this you would!
Characteristics of Pheasants and Quail
What makes pheasant and quail different from one another? First there’s size. Pheasants are bigger than quail. For example, you might see a 3-pound, 30-inch pheasant while the quail would be smaller in size– 1-pound and only 6-inches!
How about colors? With pheasant, expect to see brightly colored males and tan/brown females, while quail are generally all brown in color.
Just for your knowledge, there are about 49 species of pheasants while there are 130 of quail. As for diet, pheasants generally eat bugs, worms, grains and seeds while quail like fruit, nuts, insects and even mollusks. Pheasants might live to be 2-years-old while quail can last longer– up to 6-years-old.
Are you thinking about hunting either pheasant or quail? You’re in luck– Meadow Brook Game Farm in Westmoreland, Tennessee, offers both pheasant and quail hunts. With 1200 acres and no bag limit, this place attracts hunters from all over, including Knoxville, Louisville and other places in the Southeast.
Bird hunting season runs now through March 30th, with hunts six days a week. Morning hunts start at 8am and afternoon hunts start at 1pm. Meadow Brook Game Farm provides hunting guides as well as hunting dogs to help hunters– and game bird cleaning services are also available. For more info about pheasant and quail hunting at Meadow Brook Game Farm, please call 615-888-2411 or email info@meadowbrookgamefarm.com.
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