Most people assume pheasants have been in America for centuries, but the truth is they were first introduced in the late 1700s and didn’t really begin to propagate until the early 1800s. Originally, settlers from England brought pheasants with them to New York and New Jersey, though those “early birds” weren’t strong enough to survive. Later on, in 1881, the Chinese ring-necked pheasant, brought over from Asia, got released in Oregon. A government official named Owen Denny imported them from Asia (specifically Shanghai, China) to America and they eventually did flourish in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and then into the state of Washington. Meanwhile, other people from Europe brought pheasants over the ocean. These birds were typically brought from English game bird farms, and soon they were being released all over the United States.
Pheasants Are Popular Game Birds
Today, in 2022, you can expect to see pheasants in about 40 of the 50 states. Their ancestors either came from Asia or Europe. Today’s birds spend the majority of their time on the ground in fields, farmlands (with brushy cover), woodlands and some wetlands. The number of pheasants in the U.S. peaked during the mid-1900s, but then declined when agricultural practices took over their land and/or urban development encroached on their homes.
Pheasants are a popular game bird. Want to hunt pheasant? You can at Meadow Brook Game Farm in rural Tennessee. Meadow Brook, in business since the 1950s, is home to plenty of pheasants, as well as quail and chukar. With over 1,200 acres and no bag limit, Meadow Brook Game Farm is a great place to hunt! Hunters come all the way from California to experience this wonderful place which has been featured on many TV hunting shows. Call Meadow Brook Game Farm at 615-888-2411 for more info and to ask questions about quail hunting in Tennessee.
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