The Life Lessons You Can Learn From Hunting


Meadow Brook Game Farm has been around since the 1950s, which means many, many people have enjoyed shooting here over the years– even famous people like music stars and pro ball players. Located one north hour of Nashville, Meadow Brook Game Farm is known both far and wide as the place to come hunt pheasant,… Read more »

The Health Benefits of Getting Fresh Air

Bird Game Hunting

You’ve probably heard people say that fresh air is good for you. However, do you know why it’s so good for you? As it turns out, there are many benefits that come along with getting fresh air on a regular basis. Take a look at a few of them below. It can give your immune… Read more »

Interesting Facts About Pheasants


If you love to hunt and have never had the opportunity to go pheasant hunting, you should make it a point to try it soon. Hunting pheasant will provide you with a new challenge unlike anything you have ever experienced during a hunt. Before you schedule a trip to go pheasant hunting, check out some… Read more »

Things Children Will Learn From Fishing

Fishing With Children

There are many lessons you can teach to your kids without having to say too much. By taking them fishing, you will teach your kids about a handful of things that will help them throughout their lives. Let’s take a look at a few things your kids can learn when you take them fishing with… Read more »

Reasons to Take Your Child Hunting

Teaching Kids How to Hunt

In the world we’re living in today, what if all the power went off for weeks or months at a time? If there weren’t generators available, people would be “on their own” for getting food, water and other necessities. Therefore, it would make sense to know a hunter. Better yet, it makes sense to learn… Read more »

Why We Love to Hunt


Not everyone loves to hunt. However, those who do really love it. Have you ever wondered why that it is? There are actually many different reasons for it. Let’s take a closer look at three of the biggest one to see why hunters are so in love with what they do. It allows hunters to… Read more »

Getting Ready for Bird Hunting

Bird Hunting

Autumn means different things to different people. Cooling temperatures and changing foliage are welcome things for many, but for hunters, the arrival of fall means it is time to prepare for bird hunting. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your hunting trips this year. Bird Identification Bird hunting is challenging for… Read more »

Five Reasons Why You’ll Love to Hunt Dove

Mourning Dove

Many hunters think of big game or large game birds like pheasant when it comes time to plan a hunt. Doves have proven to be an enduring favorite for many hunters, however, and for good reason. Here are five reasons why – whether it’s your first time or your hundredth – you’ll love to hunt… Read more »

Weather, Time and Temp: How Conditions Affect the Hunt

Chukar at Morning

Quail hunting may sometimes feel like a game of chance, but there are still things that you can do to improve your odds. Studies have shown that quail actually have predictable patterns of activity that are influenced by factors like weather conditions, temperatures and even time of day. Keeping these considerations in mind during your… Read more »

Chukar: From Import to Important Game Bird

Chukar Partridge

Chukar is not native to the continental U.S., but has still become a popular and important game bird. Since their introduction here in the late 19th century, chukar have established sizable populations in at least 10 Western states. In recent decades, chukar partridges have become one of the most popular upland game birds for hunters…. Read more »

Hot Fishing: Tips for Summertime Anglers

Bass Fishing

Summer is the ideal time for many outdoor activities, but nothing beats enjoying the warm weather with a day of fishing. After all, there is no better way to pass a summer day than fishing at a lake. Now that it is time for some hot fishing, here are a few tips for summertime anglers…. Read more »

Bird Dogs: How Canine Companions Help to Hunt

Dog with pheasant in mouth

Hunters have been relying on dogs to assist with locating and retrieving game for thousands of years. While the use of dogs in some hunting specialties has declined in popularity, hunting with bird dogs remains a popular pastime. In fact, when it comes to bird hunting – whether wetland or upland – good dogs can… Read more »